Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Production Supply Enterprise of the Administrative Department of President of the Russian Federation"

Visually Impaired
Home/Department of real estate and investment/Objects and services

Object "Lianozovo"

Address: Dmitrovskoe highway, 116.

The Lianozovo warehouse complex is located in the Northeastern Administrative District of Moscow (Lianozovsky district) and is located at the intersection of MKAD and Dmitrov Highway. The convenient location of the complex makes it particularly attractive from the point of view of organizing a logistics center on its base.

The total area of the Lianozovo warehouse complex is 7 hectares, the building area is 46,052.8 sq. m. The complex has 32,000 square meters. m of heated rooms and 5,800 sq . m . m of unheated rooms (metal hangars).

The technological cycle and multifunctional ramps of warehouse buildings allow simultaneous unloading and loading of more than 20 heavy-duty vehicles. All loading and unloading operations are mechanized.

Warehouse and office premises are leased to the clients of the warehouse complex under lease agreements for non-residential premises and storage services for inventory are provided.

The entire territory of the warehouse complex is under 24-hour security. Access to the warehouse complex is carried out through a checkpoint. On the territory of the Lianozovo warehouse complex, access and intra-facility modes are implemented, providing a set of measures and rules that exclude the possibility of unauthorized access to the territory of the warehouse complex by visitors, as well as uncontrolled entry and exit of vehicles. Round-the-clock video surveillance is conducted on the territory of the Lianozovo warehouse complex.  


The complex's clients are offered for rent office premises of classes "B" and "C" with the possibility of connecting to a telephone exchange and the Internet, heated warehouses of class "B" with a ceiling height of 3 to 9 meters, a car ramp, metal hangars of class "D" with a ceiling height of 6-8 meters.

  • rent of office premises of classes "B" and "C". More

  • heated warehouses of class "B" and "C" with a car ramp, metal hangars of class "D". More

  • provision of services for the responsible storage of property (TMC). More

  • storage of counterparties' inventory and carrying out warehouse cargo processing operations, provision of additional services (loading and unloading, sorting and packing of cargo, etc.). More

Opening hours of the facility: Monday – Friday from 09.00 to 18.00, Friday from 09.00 to 16.45, lunch break from 13.00 to 13.45.
Opening hours of the pass office: Monday – Thursday from 09.00 to 18.00, Friday from 09.00 to 16.45, lunch break from 13.00 to 13.45.

Days off: Saturday, Sunday.  

loading map...


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