Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Production Supply Enterprise of the Administrative Department of President of the Russian Federation"

Visually Impaired
Home/Department of telecommunications systems

Department of complex protection information and special telecommunication systems

Department of complex protection information and special telecommunication systems (up to 2014 was called - Department of telecommunication systems) was established in 2003 and carries out functions of structural division of Enterprise on protection of state secrets and technical protection of information.

In department functioning specialized divisions on implementation directions of activities, including accredited FSTEC of Russian Attestative center and Testing laboratory of system certification of information security.

To implement its functions department of complex information protection and special telecommunication systems obtained and maintaining on updated state necessary licenses of FSB of Russia and Russian FSTEC, Rosoboronzakaz Russia and certificates on quality management system GOST ISO 9001

In department operates scientific and technical council, composed of experts in addition to employees companies, which included scientists and experts from a number of leading research institutions, universities and enterprises of military-industrial complex of country's .

Key direction of activity of department is carrying out activities and providing services in field of protection of state secrets, confidential information and personal data in interest of the Administrative Department of President the Russian Federation and its subordinate enterprises, institutions and organizations, federal and regional authorities, as well as other organizations and enterprises.
  • designing, creation and implementation of automated and telecommunications systems of various levels and purposes in protected form according to safety requirements;
  • creation of systems of information protection, delivery, installation, configuration means of information protection, control level of safety and certification of objects of information;
  • development and production means of protection of information, software, computer equipment, equipment, telecommunication systems, certified on security requirements of information;
  • delivery, sales and after-sales maintenance and repair means of protection of information, tools and systems of computing, communications, equipment and telecommunication equipment systems;
  • implementation of activities and provision of complex services in area of protection of information (information constituting state secrets, confidential information, personal data, information in state information systems);
  • participate in implementation of R & D on creation and introduction of new information technologies, methods and means of protection of information in automated systems and communications systems and telecommunications in interests of government authorities and commercial organizations;
  • cooperation with leading research organizations, industrial enterprises and universities on joint research and development in field of information technologies and information protection, as well as training of scientific personnel and technical experts in interests of Enterprise. Development of system of professional development of workers of department in field (field of study) "Information Security" to ensure compliance with licensing requirements and FSTEC Russian FSB, increased efficiency and quality of production and sales of services (works), development of new, competitive activities;
  • participation in exhibitions, forums, scientific and technical conferences to promote information about supplied equipment, goods, work and services, technology and manufacturing capabilities of department and Enterprise, as well as study and implementation of advanced technologies and developments in field of information technologies and information protection, systems of control, and telecommunications to enhance competitiveness and efficiency of production activities of department;
  • protection of state secrets, confidential information and personal data in department.

acting Ivanova Elena

Head of Department

+7 (495) 940 - 06 - 12 ivanova_elena@pppudp.ru

Directions of Activity

Protection of state secrets, as well as providing services to third parties for the protection of state secrets is carried out on the basis of concluded contracts and acting licenses of the FSB Russia
Special inspection of premises and equipment, special studies on TEMPEST technical means, monitoring security of information constituting a state secret, certification tools and systems to meet of requirements for protection of information, designing objects in protected mode with requirements of security performance information, distribution (sale, transfer) and maintenance of encryption (cryptographic) protected of means of information processing, information security tools designed for use in state authorities

Designing, manufakturing, sale, mounting, installation, debugging, testing, repair and maintenance technical means of protection information, technical means of monitoring of effectiveness of protective measures, software and technical means protection of information, protected software and technical means of information processing, including for use in government agencies.

Designing, manufacturing and maintanance of information and telecommunication systems state authorities of the Russian Federation, protected means of processing and protection information for use in state authorities of the Russian Federation

Development and production, distribution and maintenance means of protection of confidential information, including: technical, software, firmware, and hardware protection of information, protected technical means(programming, software and hardware), information processing, encryption (cryptographic), protected information systems and telecommunications systems.

Activity on technical protection of confidential information, including: control of security of confidential information from leaking through technical channels, unauthorized access and its modifications, installation, assembly, testing, repair of protection of information protected of technical means of information processing, designing in secure execution means and informatization systems, protected premises, evaluation and certification tests for compliance with requirements for protection of confidential information.

Technical means of protection information, protected of technical means of information processing, engineering controls effectiveness of protection measures, software and hardware protection of information, protected software and technical means of information processing, software means (software and hardware) of control of security of information

Licenses, Awards, Documents

Благодарственное письмо от администрации Троицка Благодарность от министерства здравохранения московской области Благодарственное письмо от министра транспорта московской области
На осуществление работ с использованием сведений, составляющих государственную тайну На осуществление работ с использованием сведений, составляющих государственную тайну На право осуществления мероприятий и (или) оказания услуг в области защиты государственной тайны На осуществление мероприятий и (или) оказание услуг в области защиты государственной тайны На осуществление работ, связанных с созданием средств защиты информации, содержащей сведения, составляющие государственную тайну

На осуществление разработки, производства, распространения шифровальных (криптографических) средств, информационных систем и телекоммуникационных систем На осуществление разработки и производства средств защиты конфиденциальной информации На осуществление мероприятий и (или) оказание услуг в области защиты государственной тайны На осуществление выявления электронных устройств, предназначенных для негласного получения информации (за исключением случая, если указанная деятельность осуществляется для обеспечения собственных нужд юридического лица или индивидуального предпринимателя) На деятельность по технической защите конфиденциальной информации

На проведение работ, связанных с созданием средств защиты информации На осуществление мероприятий и (или) оказание услуг в области защиты государственной тайны (в части технической защиты информации) На осуществление мероприятий и (или) оказание услуг в области защиты государственной тайны На деятельность по разработке и производству средств защиты конфиденциальной информации

Национальный форум информационной безопасности Национальный форум информационной безопасности XI Международный салон изобретений и новых технологий Национальный форум информационной безопасности XI Международный салон изобретений и новых технологий Большой национальный форум информационной безопасности ИНФОФОРУМ 2017